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Will my 10-12 year old daughter wash her BW Reusable Cloth Pads properly?

Dear moms,

You know being a mother is never easy , but a fulfilling journey, as your daughter reaches Puberty , your new journey begins. Today, as she steps into womanhood, let's Partner together & help her learn the right face of menstruation & motherhood.

Google mama is always available , but it's your moral responsibility to assist her early, in 4-5 months of her fresh period cycle.

Giving her the right knowledge of periods, why & what happens, womanhood, cramps & sustainable period hygiene products & their advantages, are the few topics you must touch on.

Congratulations, you introduced her to Reusable Cloth sanitary pads & their plus points, but remember it's just the beginning,

As your Princess is new to periods, plus carefree, Blissful Women helps you with a checklist to help her set a right period product care routine, avoid any infections..: Be a spy to her next Four periods cycle & check:

1.Did she soak her pads properly in a small bucket, instead of Tumbler? , check the wings are also inside.

2. she washes her pads with mild soap, & rinses it till water runs clean?

3. Are the pads dried in sunlight?

4. After drying, the pads are folded & kept in the box provided, in a dry place?

5. Touch the pads ,are they fully dried, before she wraps them up?

Note: if these steps are not followed, you may find some dark lines, RED color marks or patches on the pad, or wings , after drying. do the check list.. also once a while wash her washed pads, by yourself, to see if water runs clear.( Note :sometimes you find a small white bleach mark, or discoloration on the 1st layer of the pad , that's ok, it's just natural discharge ,during periods. ,which reacted with our natural cloth dyes, and left a colorless patch.)

It's ok we all were kids, Encourage her to maintain Proper Period hygiene.

Together we can, let's take your Princess , through happy periods.


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