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We Care About Our
Bodies and Our Future. 



1. Against Sustainability direction: 9000 tones of disposable waste is generated. These pads are 90% plastic and will take 500-800 years to decompose. 


2. Only 36% of women are using sanitary products: Over 70%, Rural India use unsanitary methods and taboo solutions like dirty rags, soil, leaves, cow dung, sand or ash. 20% girls dropout from school after reaching puberty. Also, Urban working women/girls never get access to napkins in emergency. 


3. Health issues: Plastic in sanitary pads disturbs vaginal microflora balance and can cause health problems including urinary tract infection, rashes and Cervical Cancer. 


4. Clogging: Flushing the sanitary pads and tampons which is done by 40% of women at least once can cause clogging in sewer system thereby inundating the entrances and making them inaccessible. 




1. Programmes to educate, to quit usage of unsanitary methods of using dirty rags, ash, cow dung, etc. during periods.


2. Cloth Sanitary Napkins will be helpful for maintaining the hygiene and avoiding the rashes and infections caused by plastic pads.


3. Manual sanitary vending machine will help to reach more girls and women as installed in ladies washroom of remote areas and schools. Solves the problem of discomfort of buying from shops and school dropout rates.


4. Incinerators help healthy disposal of used napkins by burning them into 1 gm ash in 3 mins. 


Meet the Leaders

Mansi Sampat.JPEG

Mansi Thakkar Sampat

Mansi Thakkar Sampat has an, Ecced & ad., diploma in travel & tourism and has completed short courses on World Puppetry & Laughter Yoga coach. But by heart she is a social entrepreneur with a mission to help every woman stuck in period cycle & to contribute something back to the society Started this venture with the aim of instilling in minds of people that Menstruation Matters, Period. Once she was stuck in her period cycle herself, she visited a building washroom and saw a sanitary napkin vending machine which instantly connected to the thought that 90% working women/girls never get this facility in emergency periods. She also researched there is no proper disposal facility and awareness of sustainable hygiene period products like cloth pads. Thus, Blissful Women was born!

A Commerce Graduate and Sales & Marketing professional with an experience into this domain for 7 years. Work experience in Aditya Birla Group (MINACS). Currently running a small start up into Educational Sector & E-learning Solutions known as "E-VIDYA". A firm believer of people management. Divij observed his sister and female friends struggle during their periods and often wondered why these products are not easily available apart from medical stores! His research and interest connected him to Mansi Sampat, he's now partner in this Blissful Women Journey. He is a firm supporter of women empowerment and works on the environmental issues created by disposable hygiene products. 

Divij Shah

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